Gong Yoo Is Not the Type of Guy Women Would Fall in Love with?

Credit: tvN

Gong Yoo lighted up Yoo Quiz on the Block with his presence.

In the latest episode of Yoo Quiz on the Block, Gong Yoo met with emcees Yoo Jae Suk and Jo Se Ho and honestly opened up about his life. He even blurted out a ludicrous (?) remark of “not being the type women would like,” giving a big laugh.

Gong Yoo opened up the talk with his new film Seobok. Introducing him and Park Bo Gum as “a former intelligence agent and the world’s first human clone,” Gong Yoo added, “When I first heard that he and I were cast for the roles, I thought it would be easy to promote for the film together. But he disappeared like a wind.”

Gong Yoo and Yoo Jae Suk talked about being “gym buddies.” And when the topic moved onto his looks, Gong Yoo said, “During the Coffee Prince days, my eyes looked sharper. But now, the tails of my eyes are slightly down. I didn’t used to have double eyelids, but now I do. I think I am looking more natural now that I’m growing older.”

Jo Se Ho asked him, “What is it like to live a life as Gong Yoo?” Gong Yoo replied, “I’ve ever given it a thought. I live a normal life. Viewers have this fantasy about me because of my works, but when I look back on the years, I have lived a normal, ordinary life without anything standing out.”

The actor also confessed his real personality, saying, “I have this kind and nice images created from my dramas, but I’m pretty indifferent and not that friendly in my real life. I’m not good with it (being friendly) because I get goosebumps. I hear a lot from my friends that I feel distant.”

Gong Yoo then added, “In fact, I’m not the type that women would like. I’m not bold or brave in front of love.” He explained that this is why he loves acting. “This is why it’s fun to act. I could be someone different and do all kinds of things that I am embarrassed with as a character from a project. There is this vicarious satisfaction I get.”

Gong Yoo also conveyed his wishes. “I hope that I grow old as an actor. And I hope that will solely show on my face,” he said. “I hope that my face in my 50s and 60s shown on the big or small screen will naturally reflect my life.”

Source (1)

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