Thieves Broke into the Late Goo Hara’s House to Steal a Safe, Dispatch Releases Security Camera Footages

[OSEN=사진팀] 25일 오후 서울 서초구 강남성모병원 장례식장에 고(故) 구하라의 빈소가 마련됐다. 고 구하라 측은 생전 국내외 많은 팬들에게 사랑받았던 만큼 마지막 길에 팬들의 배웅을 받을 수 있도록 유족 측에서 조문 장소를 따로 마련했다. 서울 강남성모병원 장례식장 1호실에서 이날 오후 3시부터 27일 자정까지 팬과 언론 관계자 등의 조문이 가능하다. 서울 강남경찰서에 따르면 구하라는 지난 24일 오후 6시께 서울 강남구 청담동 자택에서 숨진 채 발견됐다. 경찰은 극단적 선택 등 정확한 사망 경위를 조사 중이다. /

A safe from the late Goo Hara’s house disappeared and the deceased’s brother, Goo Ho In, reported the theft to the police.

On October 12, Dispatch released two footage from the security cameras installed at Goo Hara’s house taken on January 14. In the footage, a man climbed the parking lot’s fence next door attached to Goo Hara’s house, and covered the camera installed at the outer wall of the first floor with leaves.

Then another man walked across the yard and pressed the door lock keypad, but when the door did not open, he put his face on the windshield and looked inside the house. When the two failed to enter the house through the front door, they changed their route and entered the second floor’s veranda. The route they took was veranda-door-utility room-door-dressing room.

What the two stole is Goo Hara’s small safe that contains the artist’s important data and her used phones.

Goo Ho In believes that the theft was committed by someone who knew the late Goo Hara. Not only did they know the previous password of the keypad, but they also knew the structure of the house. He said, “He knew the layout of the house well. There’s no way someone who was there for the first time would know the house that well. He even knew that we don’t really lock the balcony door.”

Noh Jong Won, a lawyer who is acting as a legal representative for Goo Ho In, said in a telephone interview, “The safe has been stolen, and we have no idea who these thieves are. We already reported this to the police in May, but the suspects are yet to be identified, so there has been no progress in the case.”

Source (1, 2, 3)

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