The Divine Movie 2 – A Sleek Revenge-Filled Action Film

Did you enjoy <The Divine> and its action-packed story of the Baduk world? Well, good news for you, there is a spin-off of the 2014 film called <The Divine Movie 2: The Wrathful>!

<The Divine Movie 2: The Wrathful>, an exceptional South Korean action movie directed by Khan Lee, takes place in the 1990s when the Baduk gambling fever swept Korea and is about a man named Gwi-Soo who loses everything because his father gambled obsessively until there was nothing left. When left with nothing in the world and all alone, Gwi-Soo meets a mentor and Baduk teacher, Heo Il-Do and Ddong, and begins to go through vicious training to become the grand master of Baduk. Gwi-Soo sets out to seek revenge upon the world that destroyed his life, and whilst on his journey, meets another anonymous longer pursuing his own vendetta.

If you’re an action-fanatic and interested in the world of the board game Baduk, <The Divine Movie 2: The Wrathful> should unquestionably be the next one on your to-watch list!

Check out some exclusive images from the movie!,h_1000,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/433259_d418240a5f4345cc8a14ce85654b7a79~mv2.webp


For more exclusive images and showtimes, be sure to check out this link:

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